This is the online version of the Hex Gloop documentation.

This page is built from the latest code on GitHub. It may describe newer features that you may not necessarily have, even on the latest Modrinth/CurseForge version!

Entries which are blurred are spoilers. Click to reveal them, but be aware that they may spoil endgame progression. Alternatively, click here to get a version with all spoilers showing.

The practitioners of this art would cast their so-called Hexes by drawing strange patterns in the air with a staff-- or craft powerful magical items to do the casting for them. How might I do the same?

SpellbookA Gloopy Mind

I feel that my mind is sharper recently, perhaps more in tune with my hexes.

For one, it's much easier to visualize patterns. I can even hear something like "\<southeast,deaqq>" and visualize it perfectly as <southeast,deaqq>. Additionally, I can hover over these patterns to get a better view of them, or click to copy them for later.

I've also been finding it more natural to flip through my spellbook. Pressing Open Iota Wheel allows me to visualize my spellbook, and I can flip through it quickly with Scroll Spellbook Down and Scroll Spellbook Up.

I've noticed that it's recently become easier to reference these notes while casting too, pressing Open Hex Book causes my book to fly open right to the page I left it.

Finally, it seems that I can sense more details when I look at certain items, most notably media items, pigments, and scrolls.

Dark Oak StaffGlooptastic Changes

I have noticed some absolutely glooptastic changes in the world recently.

The hex book seems,, friendlier. When I'm on a page with a pattern and touch it to a hanging scroll, it copies the pattern onto the scroll. It even seems to get the page based on which hand I'm holding it in.

I've also discovered that I can apply dye to my staffs if I want to make them more colorful.

By far the strangest change though is that my hexes feel different, almost like they're vibrating through my bones. Perhaps a sensitive enough scanner could pick up on this?

I devote this section to the magical and mysterious items I might encounter in my studies.

It seems like many of these items have uses when held alongside my staff. I suppose I will have to choose what goes in my other hand carefully.

Casting RingCasting Ring

I do love my staff, but occasionally I find myself needing a lighter casting instrument.

The casting ring, when equipped, let's me open up a staff free casting grid by pressing Use Casting Ring. I find my grid reduced without the reach of my staff, but still, this may be a worthwhile trade-off.

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Casting Ring
Crafting Table
Iron Nugget
Charged Amethyst
Iron Nugget
Casting Ring

I've noticed that my hexes prefer to use items in my offhand, perhaps this will be useful with both of my hands free?


A Focus is quite nice but it can be a bit overkill for simple hexes. Who has time to go gather glowstone these days?

A Script can store a list of up to 16 patterns.

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Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst

Caster's CoinCaster's Coin

With my truename being so valuable, it'd be nice to have a safer way to barter against it. These coins should do the trick. I can write to it like a focus but it can only be read in once per coin. I've documented a few patterns here that can be used to check who wrote the coin.

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Caster's Coin
Crafting Table
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Amethyst Dust
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Gold Nugget Tag: Gold Nuggets Tag: Gold Nuggets
Caster's Coin

Notary's Purification (entity → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqqaqqqqqead

Takes a player entity and returns whether or not they wrote the coin in my other hand.

Notary's Distillation (entity, entity → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqqwawqwqwqwqwqwead

Takes a player entity from the top of the stack and an item entity and returns whether or not the player wrote the coin in the item entity.

Merchant's Reflection (→ string)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqqaqqqqq

Returns the name of whoever wrote the coin in my other hand.

Merchant's Purification (entity → string)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaqqwawqwqwqwqwqw

Returns the name of whoever wrote the coin in the given item entity.

Covered SpellbookCovered Spellbook

I've been thinking my spellbooks could use a splash of color. Fashioning a cover for them allows me to dye them. The netherite used in the binding makes it fire proof as well.

Applying the cover doesn't disturb any of the spells written on its pages. I haven't found a good way to remove the cover yet though..

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Covered Spellbook
Crafting Table
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Netherite Ingot
Tag: Leather Tag: Leather Leather
Covered Spellbook

Essence StoneEssence Stone

Although the creatures of this world don't have the ability to cast, their thoughts may still be painted like mine.

The Essence Stone allows me to extract an entity's essence, using it as a pigment for my own thoughts. To extract the essense I can simply write the entity to the stone.

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Essence Stone
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Amethyst Dust
Blank Slate
Amethyst Shard
Blank Slate
Amethyst Dust
Blank Slate
Essence Stone

Blaze StaffGloopy Staffs

I've drawn out some designs for new staffs. These certainly have a different style about them, but they function just the same

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Carrot Staff
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Carrot Staff
Bee Staff
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Honey Block
Bee Staff
Bone Staff
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Bone Block
Bone Staff
Quartz Staff
Crafting Table
Quartz Slab
Charged Amethyst
Block of Quartz
Quartz Slab
Nether Quartz
Quartz Staff
Ice Staff
Crafting Table
Packed Ice
Charged Amethyst
Blue Ice
Packed Ice
Packed Ice
Ice Staff
Blaze Staff
Crafting Table
Blaze Powder
Charged Amethyst
Blaze Rod
Blaze Powder
Blaze Rod
Blaze Staff
Wither Staff
Crafting Table
Wither Skeleton Skull
Charged Amethyst
Soul Soil
Wither Skeleton Skull
Soul Soil
Wither Staff
Amethyst On A Stick
Crafting Table
Fishing Rod
Charged Amethyst
Amethyst On A Stick
Staff Of Longinus
Crafting Table
Redstone Dust
Charged Amethyst
Iron Ingot
Redstone Dust
Redstone Dust
Staff Of Longinus
Celestial Staff
Crafting Table
Iron Ingot
Charged Amethyst
Block of Quartz
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Celestial Staff
Pumpkin.. staff?
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Carved Pumpkin
Pumpkin.. staff?
Menorah Staff
Crafting Table
Tag: Candles
Charged Amethyst
Block of Gold
Tag: Candles
Gold Ingot
Menorah Staff
Candy Cane Staff
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Red Dye Tag: Red Dyes Tag: Red Dyes
Candy Cane Staff
Christmas Tree Staff
Crafting Table
Glowstone Dust
Charged Amethyst
Tag: Saplings
Glowstone Dust
Christmas Tree Staff
Owl Staff
Crafting Table
Feather Tag: Feathers Tag: Feathers
Mept Log
Tag: Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Feather Tag: Feathers Tag: Feathers
Owl Staff
Ghost Staff
Crafting Table
Phantom Membrane
Mept Log
Tag: Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Phantom Membrane
Phantom Membrane
Ghost Staff

Thought GummyHex Snacks

Hexxing can really work up an appetite, luckily I found some snacks !

Spotlight inventory slot Thought Gummy

The Thought Gummy makes for a nice little snack on the go. It has a trace amount of media, but probably isn't the best trinket filler.

Conjure Tasty Treat (vec →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeewdw

Conjures a thought gummy at the given position. Costs 1 dust.

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Crafting Table
Slate Bowl
Tag: Milks Tag: Milk Tag: Milks Milk Bucket
Thought Gummy
Thought Gummy
Thought Gummy
Thought Gummy
Thought Gummy

Part of a mindful breakfast

Block of Charged AmethystMisc Blocks

A block of amethyst dust is basically magic sand right ? Well it smelts like it atleast. Strangely, my raycasts seem to pass right through it.

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Block of Charged Amethyst
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Block of Charged Amethyst

It's not worth much to my hexes, but it sure is pretty.

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Slate Lamp
Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Glowstone Dust
Block of Slate
Glowstone Dust
Amethyst Shard
Glowstone Dust
Block of Slate
Glowstone Dust
Block of Slate
Slate Lamp

Quite similar to a redstone lamp, it'll glow a soft purple when powered, or otherwise energized

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Caster's Carpet
Crafting Table
Tag: Wool Carpets
Tag: Wool Carpets
Amethyst Dust
Tag: Wool Carpets
Tag: Wool Carpets
Caster's Carpet

A wonderfully comfy rug, standing on it gives a similar feeling to holding a scrying lens, though much weaker

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Caster's Gate
Crafting Table
Amethyst Dust
Amethyst Dust
Phantom Membrane
Amethyst Dust
Amethyst Dust
Caster's Gate

It only grants passage to those with torn minds

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Caster's Bridge
Crafting Table
Amethyst Dust
Amethyst Dust
Iron Bars
Amethyst Dust
Amethyst Dust
Caster's Bridge

It only grants support to those with torn minds

Sentinel BedSentinel Bed

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Sentinel Bed
Crafting Table
White Wool Tag: Wools Tag: Wools
White Wool Tag: Wools Tag: Wools
White Wool Tag: Wools Tag: Wools
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Sentinel Bed

A comfy bed for my sentinel, it always seems eager to return to it. Cats seem to find it cozy as well.

Slate ChestSlate Chest

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Slate Chest
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Slate Chest

A slate strengthened chest. It has slightly more storage space than a normal chest.

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Gloopy Slate Chest
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Gloopy Slate Chest

A slate and gloop strengthened chest. It has the storage space of two regular chests.

I wonder if it may have more uses yet to be discovered?

Potion of CastingCasting Potion

I've found that brewing amethyst dust (or any pigment) into a thick potion will give me a potion that is able to channel media into casting hexes.

I can craft the potion using the Craft Potion spell.

Rainbow Amogus Pop It FidgetFidgets

I've happened upon the most joyous of devices !

These devices, which I've been calling fidgets, help me channel my thoughts into a form detectable in my hexes. I can interact with them in much the same way as I would with a spellbook, minus the iota storage of course. For accessing these thoughts, see the section on Mind's Orchard

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Pen Fidget
Crafting Table
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Amethyst Dust
Pen Fidget

A simple device that only toggles between two states. It has a nice clicky noise though.

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Dreidel Fidget
Crafting Table
Clay Ball
Amethyst Shard
Clay Ball
Clay Ball
Clay Ball
Dreidel Fidget

I made it out of clay ! It has four sides letting me fidget between four states.

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Rainbow Amogus Pop It Fidget
Crafting Table
Red Dye
Orange Dye
Yellow Dye
Yellow Dye
Lime Dye
Light Blue Dye
Magenta Dye
Rainbow Amogus Pop It Fidget

At first I was suspicious of this item, but I have now ejected all of my concerns. This whimsical device makes the most delightful popping noises, and lets me channel my thoughts through six states.

GloopGloop !

This is glooptastic ! My calculations suggest that under the right conditions, slime and media may form together into a highly reactive and adaptive material.

It'll require a way to energize the reactants and some mechanism to prompt the reaction. I've drafted my schematics for such a device on the following page.

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Crafting Table
Netherite Scrap
Charged Amethyst
Netherite Scrap
Charged Amethyst
Blast Furnace
Charged Amethyst
Block of Slate
Netherite Scrap
Block of Slate

This machine should be strong enough to channel the media through nearby water and into my reactants. I can use a device such as a hopper to feed media in.

Now I just need a way to trigger the reaction.. perhaps I can look up to nature for a strike of inspiration ?

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Gloop Energizer Recipe GUI
Charged Amethyst
Amethyst Shard
Amethyst Dust Costs 10 Dust

The adaptive nature of this gloop leads me to believe there may be other forms out there to be discovered...

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Synchronous Gloop
Gloop Energizer Recipe GUI
Charged Amethyst
Ender Pearl
Synchronous Gloop
Amethyst Dust Costs 10 Dust

I've recently discovered a new form of gloop, I've been calling is synchronous gloop, and it seems to be able to react across great distances.

Focal RingTrinkety Foci

I have been overcome by a strong desire to accessorize. These trinkets act just like normal foci but I can wear them and use the Trinkety Focus Patterns

[Gloopy Dev Note: you need trinkets on fabric or curios on forge to wear these. You can still use them as foci otherwise though]

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Focal Pendant
Crafting Table
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Focal Pendant

A fashionable pendant, good for iotas you want to keep close to your heart.

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Focal Ring
Crafting Table
Iron Nugget
Gold Ingot
Iron Nugget
Gold Ingot
Netherite Ingot
Iron Nugget
Iron Nugget
Focal Ring

A ring forged from the strongest nether metals. For the most important iotas.

Gloop DyeGloop Dye

I've found that mixing my own dye colors is quite tedious and it would be nice to have something more precise.

With this gloop dye I should be able to pick any color I'd like for using with items like leather armor or my staffs. I can pick the color by using Scribe's Gambit to write a vector holding rgb values between 0-255.

Using the dye will cost media, but I can recharge it like I would a trinket.

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Gloop Dye
Crafting Table
Tag: Dyes Tag: Dyes
Tag: Dyes Tag: Dyes
Amethyst Dust
Tag: Dyes Tag: Dyes
Tag: Dyes Tag: Dyes
Gloop Dye

so many colors!


Gloop seems to be good at holding and manipulating iotas, so perhaps it'd work well as a part of a casting device.

The gloopifact is very similar to an artifact, just,, much gloopier. Its netherite bindings appear to make it fire resistant, no more losing my tools to nether mishaps.

The focus at its core remains accessible for normal use, though my hexes will still prefer any iota source in my other hand. I've documented a set of patterns, very similar to other iota manipulation patterns, that instead target its internal focus.

I've also found that its ravenmind is much more malleable and documented patterns that allow it to communicate with my staffcasting ravenmind.

Except for crafting, these patterns only work when cast by a gloopifact

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Crafting Table
Netherite Ingot
Netherite Ingot
Tag: Music Discs

Craft Gloopifact (entity, [pattern] →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwaadaqwaweqqwaweewawqwwwwadeeeeeqww

Costs about 16 Charged Amethyst

Gloopimind Upload

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qewdweeddw

Uploads my gloopifact's ravenmind to my staff

Gloopimind Download

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qedadewdde

Downloads my staff's ravenmind to my gloopifact

Gloopcaster's Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqeqadaqw

Reads the iota from the gloopifact's internal focus

Gloopcaster's Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeeqqadaqw

Writes an iota to the gloopifact's internal focus

Gloopitor's Reflection (→ boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwqadaqwwaqqqqq

Returns whether or not the internal focus can be read

Gloopessor's Distillation (any → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwqadaqwwdeeeee

Returns whether or not the given iota can be written to the internal focus.

Hand MirrorHand Mirror

A hexxed hand mirror, it will reflect any item entity written to it. Using a pedestal to hold my item may be convenient.

Unlike other reflections, which can only be touched by my hexes, the reflections from the hand mirror have a physicality to them that lets me use them as if they were really in my hand.

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Hand Mirror
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Netherite Ingot
Blank Slate
Hexxed Glass
Blank Slate
Synchronous Gloop
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Hand Mirror

Hex BladeHex Tools

My hexes can largely replace any need for swords and other such tools, but I have to admit they have a certain flair to them.

These hexxed tools, with their netherite sentience, fill that void quite nicely.

Each of these tools can be inscribed with a hex, much like a trinket, that casts with Use Item/Place Block. Additionally, each tool has a casting method based on its function.

The media that powers these hexes also gives strength to the tool itself, ticking down with each use.

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Hex Blade
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Journeyman Weaponsmith
Hero of the Village Villager must be a Journeyman Weaponsmith or higher
Netherite Sword
Hex Blade

When I strike with this blade it casts its hex with my target on its stack.

The media edge also does a bit of damage on its own, about the same as a netherite sword.

Forge Hex Blade (entity, [pattern] →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqwwwaqwwwwaq

Similar to other casting instrument creation spells. Costs about 4 Charged Amethyst

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Hex Pickaxe
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Journeyman Toolsmith
Hero of the Village Villager must be a Journeyman Toolsmith or higher
Netherite Pickaxe
Hex Pickaxe

When I mine a block with this pickaxe it casts its hex with the block's position on its stack.

Forge Hex Pickaxe (entity, [pattern] →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwaqqqqqeaqdewaqweaewqawedqqqeaeq

Similar to other casting instrument creation spells. Costs about 4 Charged Amethyst

Multi FocusMulti Focus

I can feel the gloop pulling at my mind, maybe I can pull back?

A gloop constructed multi focus should let me hold multiple iotas in a single item and access them quickly with Open Iota Wheel, sort of like a smaller spellbook. For more organizational techniques I should check my notes on labels

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Multi Focus
Crafting Table
Glowstone Dust
Charged Amethyst
Glowstone Dust
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Glowstone Dust
Charged Amethyst
Glowstone Dust
Multi Focus

I can almost hear it purring..

Ritualist's InscriberRitualist's Inscriber

Placing slates by hand has become so tedious. I've rigged together this contraption to improve the process. I can write a list of patterns to it and fill it with slates, as I would a bundle, and then using it will place a slate with the next pattern in the list.

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Ritualist's Inscriber
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Charged Amethyst
Charged Amethyst
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Ritualist's Inscriber


I've befriended a rather silly little creature I've been calling a Frogi. It likes to hang close to me, and seems to get excited when I jump?

After giving it instructions to cast, and an appropriate hat for its job, it seems that it'll cast when I go to jump but am already in the air, an attempt to double jump as silly as that sounds.

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Crafting Table
Pearlescent Froglight Verdant Froglight Ochre Froglight
Pearlescent Froglight Verdant Froglight Ochre Froglight
Mept Log
Lily Pad
Lily Pad
Lily Pad

Jump !

Teach Frogi (entity, [pattern] →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwaqqqqqeaqdqaqedeqaqdqqeaqwdwqae

Costs about 4 Charged Amethyst

Frogi Snack (entity →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawadawaewqaw

I've seen frogs in a nature try to eat slimes and magma cubes, perhaps my Frogi would like to do the same ?

Costs about a shard


I have found the cutest little kitten ! It seems to quite like sitting in my pockets, playing with items. Perhaps I can teach it to do so in a more helpful manner ?

I've taught it to cast ! I can give it a list of patterns to cast when pet in my inventory, a similar motion to using a bundle strangely enough. The stack of these casts will start with some additional information, first a boolean for if I'm holding the inventorty and then a number indicating the inventory slot it's in or looking at.

There are a number of patterns that can only be cast from an inventorty, many of them refer to a 'slot' type. This isn't an actual iota type but a shorthand for iotas that refer to a slot the inventorty can access:

Non-negative numbers reference a specific slot in the open screen by their index. Slots in a separate inventory, such as a chest, are marked by their index + the inventory index * 1000.

Item Entities near the caster.

-2 for the inventory cursor slot

-1000*(inventory index + 1) for the first available destination slot in that inventory.

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Crafting Table
Phantom Membrane
Phantom Membrane
Eye of Ender
Mept Log
Eye of Ender
Phantom Membrane
Phantom Membrane

The great power of Creativity can make the cat quite sleepy.

Teach Inventorty (entity, [pattern] →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waqqqqqwqawqedeqwaq

Costs about 4 Charged Amethyst

Torty Transfer (slot, slot | null, num → num, entity?)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawqwaqewdwwdade

Transfers up to the given number of items from the first slot to the second slot. It returns the number of items left in the input slot. If the second slot is null it drops the items on the caster and pushes a reference of it to the stack.

Torty's Purification (slot → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awewdqdwewaaw

Returns how many items are in the given slot.

Torty's Max Purification (slot → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ewdqdwewaqae

Returns how many items can fit in the given slot.

Curiosity's Purification (slot → itemtype)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwaeawqaqded

Returns the type of the item in the given slot

Torty's Reflection (→ [num])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qaeaqeaq

Returns a list containing the sizes of every inventory the inventorty can see, sorted based on the inventory index.

Torty's Reflection II (→ [string])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waeaeaeawa

Returns a list containing the names of every inventory the inventorty can see, sorted based on the inventory index.

Mept LogMepts

I've now met a few friendly creatures of this world who seem to have the ability to cast for me. They all seem to be made from the same material, a sort of infused, lively, wood with amethyst crystalization. I've decided to call them Mepts, maybe there are more out there ?

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Mept Log
Gloop Energizer Recipe GUI
Charged Amethyst
Tag: Logs
Mept Log
Amethyst Dust Costs 10 Dust

I believe I've worked out how to make a mept log myself.


I always seem to lose track of my dropped items.

The pedestal can hold a single item stack in place for me. This item stack is locked in place but my hexes can still interact with it as if it were dropped on the ground. It appears to pick up items dropped on it and respond how I would expect to devices such as hoppers.

I sense these pedestals may have more magic about them..

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Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Block of Slate


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Mirrored Pedestal
Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Hexxed Glass
Synchronous Gloop
Hexxed Glass
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Mirrored Pedestal

The mirrored panels inlayed in the pedestal allow me to bind myself to it and see its reflection

I have seen... so much. I have... experienced... annihilation and deconstruction and reconstruction. I have seen the atoms of the world screaming as they were inverted and subverted and demoted to energy. I have seen I have seen I have sget stick bugged lmao

Mirrored PedestalLoci

So far I've only constructed spell circles with slates, impeti, and directrices, but some of the blocks I've recently discovered seem to also have interesting uses in circles. I've adopted the term Loci to categorize them. On the following pages I've described the capabilities of some loci that I had previously discovered.

Spotlight inventory slot Gloopy Slate Chest

When the media wave flows through the chest it grants the circle access to the chest's inventory, as if it were the casters own. Good for large blockwork projects perhaps.

Spotlight inventory slot Pedestal

When the media wave flows through a pedestal that holds an item containing a pattern, such as a scroll, it will add that pattern to the circle to be cast.

Spotlight inventory slot Mirrored Pedestal

This behaves similarly to its non-mirrored counterpart, however it will also try to embed any non pattern iotas. This embedding follows the same rules as embedding an iota in a pattern list.


Circles are by far my slowest means of casting, I believe this block should accelerate them. When the media wave hits an accelerator it boosts its speed by 200% of the original, with the boost fading by 20% each block. A single accelerator's boost will draw 2 amethyst dust from the impetus, though this cost will greatly increase as boosts are stacked. Spacing out the accelerators may help.

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Crafting Table
Block of Copper
Block of Copper
Block of Copper
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
Block of Slate
Charged Amethyst
Block of Slate

Speedy !


While a comparator works just fine for detecting the first time the media wave passes over my slates, I haven't had a way to detect additional passes. The undulator will emit a redstone signal whenever it holds the wave.

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Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Redstone Dust
Block of Slate
Redstone Dust
Charged Amethyst
Redstone Dust
Block of Slate
Redstone Dust
Block of Slate


Akashic Library CardAkashic Library Card

I can construct grand libraries of everything I've learned and wrote, but I can't access them across dimensions.

Using the library card on an Akashic Record will bind the card to the current dimension. As long as the card is in my inventory, any attempt to read from an akashic library will work as if I were in the bound dimension.

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Akashic Library Card
Crafting Table
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Charged Amethyst
Tag: Edified Planks Edified Planks Edified Panel Edified Tile
Akashic Library Card

Flayer's PedestalItem Flaying

I can't exactly target an item for mind flaying, but targeting a pedestal holding an item should work fine.

While this will work with any pedestal, the Flayer's Pedestal can catch and store a single mind that it will attempt to push into future held items.

Click to show recipes Click to hide recipes
Flayer's Pedestal
Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Red Carpet
Block of Slate
Blank Slate
Blank Slate
Block of Slate
Empty Jar
Block of Slate
Flayer's Pedestal

While blocks may reject a being's mind, this jar sure won't! I can reflay with this mind by passing it as an item entity in place of the villager.

Click to show recipes Click to hide recipes
Mind in a Jar
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Novice Villager
Hero of the Village Villager must be a Novice or higher
Empty Jar
Mind in a Jar

Click to show recipes Click to hide recipes
Empty Jar
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Empty Jar


This is certainly not a traditional Directrix ! The exiting wave will always exit the face. If there is a valid block connected it will exit there, otherwise the wave will jump to the first syncetrix in front of it, up to 16 blocks away.

Click to show recipes Click to hide recipes
Crafting Table
Empty Directrix
Synchronous Gloop


Coping SawCoping Saw

It's all so much to bear, the thought that my hexes could take more than I can give, I may need a way of coping with what I saw.

As long as the Coping Saw is in my hotbar, my hexes won't be able to take my health as media.

Click to show recipes Click to hide recipes
Coping Saw
Crafting Table
Blank Slate
Amethyst Dust
Blank Slate
Amethyst Dust
Coping Saw

It appears I have installed some mods Hexcasting interoperates with! I've detailed them here.

Hexxy PlushAddons

I've heard tales of a number of additional hex disciplines. This link seems like a good reference for a list of all of them, as well as external tools, datapacks, and more

Addons List

A list of all the patterns I've discovered, as well as what they do.

Sam's Glooptastic PigmentMisc Gloop

Terra Reflection (entity → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqawqadaqdeeweweweew

Returns whether or not the entity is in the overworld

Everflame Reflection (entity → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eaqawqadaqdeewewewe

Returns whether or not the entity is in the nether

Canary's Purification (vec | entity → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawaw

Returns whether or not the given entity or position is in ambit

Euler's Purification (boolean, ?any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qed

Asserts that the boolean is true and mishaps if not. The mishap is labeled with whatever pattern, if any, comes before it on the stack

Aergia's Gambit

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddeaqq

Does absolutely nothing.

Athena's Gambit ([pattern] | pattern → many, boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dweaqqw

Casts the pattern or patterns on the stack similarly to Hermes' Gambit. If its cast mishaps it will continue on instead of stopping the hex. Returns whether or not the cast mishap

Athena's Revelation

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dweaqqqqa

Reveals the last mishap. This may behave strangely when cast directly from my staff

Athena's Reflection (→ string)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dweaqqqqd

Returns a string with information on the last mishap.

ChestHotbar Manipulation

Handy Reflection (→ num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwawqwa

Returns the index of the currently selected slot

Handy Gambit (num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dwewdwe

Selects the slot indexed by the given number


Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwawqwadawqwa

Swaps my held items between my hands

BookshelfIotic Blocks

I've come across a few blocks that hold iotas. These seem to mostly have other ways to access the iota, but it may be convenient to access it directly.

Ritualist's Purification (vec → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqeawqwaw

Returns the iota stored by the block at the given position

Ritualist's Gambit (vec, any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeeqdwewewewdw

Stores the given iota in the block at the given position, if possible

Surveyor's Purification (vec → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqeawqwawe

Returns whether the given block contains a readable iota

Surveyor's Distillation (vec, any → boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeeqdwewewewdwe

Returns if I can store the given iota in the block at the given position.

Name TagLabels

Although my current system lets me flip through my notes quickly, it would be nice to have a way to label them.

This system should let me label my pages using iotas. I've recorded all the label types that I've found on the following page



items (from an entity or relevant hexal iotas)


null (to clear it)

Dymo's Gambit (labely →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwedwewdweqawqwqwqwqwqw

Assigns a label based on the given iota to the currently selected slot of a labelable item in my offhand.

AppleMind's Orchard

I've found that if I can hold a concrete enough idea in my mind then I can use these patterns to pick it into my hexes. Something like a fidget should help me channel my thoughts.

The value stored in my orchard will always be a list with atleast one number. I haven't yet found a way to store multiple numbers in this list though..

Orchard's Reflection (→ num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dqqqqq

Picks a number from my mind's orchard representing the index of my thought.

Orchard's Reflection II (→ list)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: dqqqqqdeeeqdqeee

Picks values from my orchard as a list.

Redstone DustRedstone

Seth's Purification (vec → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aawwawwaa

Gets the redstone signal strength of the block of at the given position

Etho's Purification (vec → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ddwwdwwdd

Reads the value of the block at the given position as a comparator would

Conjure Redstone Block (vec, num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqadd

Conjures a redstone-like block at the given position and with the given signal strength. The strength is bound between 0 and 15. This costs 1 dust.

Focal PendantTrinkety Foci Patterns

These patterns are useful for interacting with Trinkety Foci. Generally they behave very similarly to the other reading and writing patterns.

Memento's Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waaqqqqqe

Copy the iota stored in a pendant I'm wearing and add it to the stack

Memento's Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wadeeeeeq

Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the pendant I'm wearing

Cherishing Reflection (→ boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waaqqqqqee

If the pendant I'm wearing holds an iota I can read, returns True. Otherwise, returns False.

Nostalgic Reflection (→ boolean)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wadeeeeeqe

If I could save an iota into the pendant I'm wearing, returns True. Otherwise, returns False.

Anularis Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqeawqwqwqwqwqw

Copy the iota stored in a ring I'm wearing and add it to the stack. If I'm wearing multiple rings this will prefer the one on the hand opposite the one I'm casting with.

Anularis Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeeqdwewewewewew

Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the ring I'm wearing. If I'm wearing multiple rings this will prefer the one on the hand opposite the one I'm casting with.

Lover's Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqweeeeewqq

Copy the iota stored in a ring I'm wearing and add it to the stack. If I'm wearing multiple rings this will prefer the one on my off hand.

Lover's Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deewqqqqqwee

Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the ring I'm wearing. If I'm wearing multiple rings this will prefer the one on my off hand.

Rival's Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqweeeee

Copy the iota stored in a ring I'm wearing and add it to the stack. If I'm wearing multiple rings this will prefer the one on my main hand.

Rival's Gambit (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeewqqqqq

Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the ring I'm wearing. If I'm wearing multiple rings this will prefer the one on my main hand.

Authenicator's Reflection (→ any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqqeawqwqwqwqwqwe

If a ring I'm wearing holds an iota I can read, returns True. Otherwise, returns False.

Jeweler's Reflection (any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeeeqdwewewewewewq

If I could save an iota into a ring I'm wearing, returns True. Otherwise, returns False.

Patterns and actions that perform a magical effect on the world.

DispenserMisc Gloop Spells

Dispense (vec, vec, item ent →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwaeqqqeddqeqd

Dispenses the given item entity as if it were in a dispenser at the first position facing the direction given by the second vector.

Costs half a dust for most items, 1 charged for arrows, and 3 dust for other projectiles

Cut Stone (item entity, num | item type →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: edwdqeeeeaaeaeaeaea

Cuts the given item entity as if it were in a stonecutter. If it's given a number it chooses the cut based on that index in the stonecutter, if it's given an item type it tries to cut it into that type.

Costs an 8th of a dust.

Totem of UndyingTruename Protection

I've known that my truename can give others access to me, but my research suggests that there's a way for them to use it to cast as me as well.

Although this is worrying, I've found a way to protect myself from its effects, I've documented this on the following pages.

Renew Truename

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwwdwwwdwqqaqwedeewawwwawww

This spell lets me renew my truename, effectively clearing any stored references to it.

Acknowledge Truename

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: awwqaq

Recently I've felt worries whenever I write my truename. This spell seems to silence those worries. I can always cast it again if I'd like to be more cautious.

Potion of CastingCraft Casting Potion

Craft Potion (entity, [pattern] →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawwedewwqqq

Crafts a Casting Potion. Costs about 1 shard.

Mirrored PedestalReflections

These mirrors, made from hexxed glass and synchronous gloop, seem to allow my hexes to act on items in the mirror's reflection as if they were in my other hand. Using a scrying lens shows the reflected item in my hand.

Bind Mirror (vec | null →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeedwwdwdw

This allows me to bind myself to a Mirrored Pedestal so that its held item is reflected into my empty hand.

Temp Bind Mirror (vec | null →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqqqqawwawaw

Similar to Bind Mirror but only lasting for the single instant of my cast.